Forza Horizon 4 - FAQ
Differences between the Horizon Life and Horizon Solo modes
This chapter of Forza Horizon 4 walkthrough guide describes the differences between the online Horizon Life mode and the offline Horizon Solo mode. Below, you will also find some information about the additional activities available when playing online.
Horizon Life and Horizon Solo differences
Horizon Life
Horizon Life and Horizon Solo differences
The default gameplay mode in Forza Horizon 4 is the online Horizon Life mode. The in-game world is filled with other players that you can join to form convoys, play with or against when completing most of the activities or even challenge for 1v1 duels. The Forzathon Live public events are a huge attraction, as with each time you participate, you can receive 30 Forzathon points that can be spent in the in- game store. The map also includes the information where exactly you can play the online PvP modes.

When playing the Forzathon Life mode Rother players will help you complete the Forza Live events.
You do not have to worry that other players will spoil your map exploration. Upon approaching your car, they turn into ghosts and drive past you without colliding with you.
All online activities are unavailable in the Horizon Solo mode. Instead of other players, it is the game's AI that drives cars around you - the so-called Drivatars. They are not ghosts, though, and you can collide with them. You can also challenge them to a duel - in such case you race against the computer representing other player's nickname.

In Horizon Solo mode all cooperation and PvP races options are locked.
Horizon Life
Activities available in the online Horizon Life mode:
1. All races available in cooperative and PvP modes;
2. Forzathon public events;
3. The option to invite other players to form a convoy;
4. Quick chat with preset answers;
5. PvP modes arenas.

The game will inform you when and where the Forzathon Live event will start. If you arrive in late - you will not be able to participate in it