START-UP SEQUENCE - Bally Bingo Machine
Coin switch or Red replay button is pushed.
Locks in Anti-cheat relay
Starts Control and Mixer motors
Shutter motor drops balls and resets tripbank.
Releases control cams index and cams rotate.
Resets all steppers to zero.
Releases spotting disk and mixers.
Spotting disc flashes features and odds.
Balls return to trough and completes circuit to ball lifter motor.
First ball raised to position and locks in ball lifter relay and steps timer to first position.
Odds step to first position.
Additional coins release control cams and spotting disk for additional features.
Trip bank relays trip for additional features.
Appropiate steppers step for additional features.
First ball is shot and passes through top playfield switch opening ball lifter relay.
Second ball is raised and locks in ball lifter relay and steps timer to second position.
Second ball is shot and passes through top playfield switch opening ball lifter relay.
Third ball is raised and locks in ball lifter relay and steps timer to third position.
Third ball is shot and passes through top playfield switch opening ball lifter relay.
Fourth ball is raised and locks in ball lifter relay and steps timer to fourth position.
“Press Buttons Now” lights pulse through pulse switches for appropiate features.
Fifth ball is raised and locks in ball lifter relay and steps timer to fifth position, and “before fourth selector lock” trip bank relay is tripped.
Search relays activate through search disk automatically or after “R” button is pressed on later models.
If a winner is located, search relays lock in.
Search index locks search wiper in position and releases replay cams.
Replay cams pulse replay meter and score unit stepper.
Score unit steps until correct number of replays are recorded.
Search index releases search wiper.
Fifth ball is shot and passes through top playfield switch opening ball lifter relay, and “ before fifth selector lock” trip bank relay is tripped.
Additional winners are searched as before.
Timer unit continues to step through drag arm switches until it times out and turns off the control and mixer motors,also trips the tilt relay on early models.
If yellow extra ball button is pressed,”extra ball trip relays” are tripped, spotting disk is released and control cams released.
If circuit is complete through spotting disk, mixers, and proportional circuits, extra ball stepper steps.
When It has stepped the correct number of steps, the first ball is raised.
Additional winners are searched and paid as before.
Same circuit for second and third extra balls.
Hitting the replay reset button on the bottom of the cabinet drops out the anti-cheat relay and the games are removed from the replay counter by pulse switches until zero is reached, and the contacts on the replay counter open, and the replay reset relay drops out.