The Mixer and The Spotting Disk
The other large motorized unit in bingos is the mixer and spotting unit. It is usually mounted near the top of the back door. Like the control unit, it has a motor rotating a central shaft and a large contact disk called the spotting disk with rotating wipers.
In addition to this large disk, four smaller disk units, referred to as mixers are mounted along the shaft. This unit could be called the "randomizer" of the game as it is essentially responsible for implementing the pseudo-random behavior of feature selection and extra ball awarding when coins are deposited by the player attempting to gain these game advantages.
This unit only operates when a coin Is deposited or a replay is played off, does its job, and then stops until another coin, or replay, is played. The spotting disk essentially elects which feature may be selected. When a coin is played, but the mixers many times will keep this feature selection from occurring. The mixers have an ingenious mechanical feature that causes each mixer disk to rotate a different amount each time it is set into motion.
The Reflex Unit
The spotting of game advantages as implemented by the mixer and spotting unit, works in conjunction with a small device called the reflex unit.
This unit could be called the mind of the machine, as it makes the machine react to what has happened in the past. This unit looks like a small stepping switch with a metal box around part of it and has a set of small gears on the outside of the box. It Is part of the circuitry of the mixer and spotting unit and provides what is known as reflex play. In essence, this means that the more coins or replays a player plays without winning the easier the machine becomes in giving extra advantages such as features, higher odds, and extra balls. Conversely, however, the more replays a player wins the harder it becomes to obtain these same advantages. The circuitry of the mixer and spotting unit and the reflex unit combine to give the bingo pinball the appearance to the player of having a "mind of its own."